On the 19th of July 2024, an update was pushed out from CrowdStrike for their Falcon Sensor product. The update that was released had a logic error which then caused systems using Windows to crash and display the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).
View WhitepaperOn the 19th of July 2024, an update was pushed out from CrowdStrike for their Falcon Sensor product. The update that was released had a logic error which then caused systems using Windows to crash and display the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). And typically, Windows systems upon displaying BSOD, would restart and function as intended afterwards, however in the case of the Windows machines impacted by CrowdStrike, the BSOD is looped.
CrowdStrike is a cybersecurity vendor that develops their own software for businesses to use, which allows them to detect and block threats. The exact root cause analysis will be published by CrowdStrike soon according to the firm. However, from what is currently known to the public, an issue occurred with CrowdStrike’s software that check their updates, and ultimately lead to a faulty update/content file being sent out to numerous Windows systems causing them to crash and display the BSOD.
As of the 20th of July, Microsoft stated in a blogpost that they estimate the CrowdStrike update has affected 8.5 million devices using Windows as a result of their faulty update. And whilst this number makes up for less than 1% of all machines that use Windows globally, the mishap has still caused a huge impact to the businesses affected.
Some of the businesses and organisations that have been impacted by the CrowdStrike outage include some NHS trusts, airports, banks, and even supermarkets.
In Tech Talks Podcast episode published here on Spotify, or alternatively on Apple Podcasts, you can hear our CEO Mark Grindey talk about the CrowdStrike outage.